

*Explicación de la #LeyTelecom por el Dr. Pedro Salazar
メキシコ時間10時4月21日「#EPNVSINTERNET」tweet 下さい。



*9.4.2014 México es un país de pesadilla dicen migrantes de CA mutilados por La Bestia
*12.4.2014 Migrantes mutilados por La Bestia piden audiencia a EPN: "que tenga humanidad y nos reciba como a Hollande"
*15.4.2014 Alejandro Solalinde denuncia intento del INM de controlar albergues
*24.4.2014 Ofrece SG a migrantes centroamericanos "oficio" para transitar por el país
*30.4.2014 Incierto, el paradero de más de 300 migrantes detenidos y golpeados por autoridades en México.También fueron agredidos físicamente Fray Tomás González, Fray Aurelio Tadeo y Rubén Figueroa, del albergue La 72. Se presume que los centroamericanos estarían detenidos en Acayucan, Veracruz.

Last night, April 30th, 2014 Mexican federal police, the military and the National Institute of Migration, forcefully and violently detained a peaceful caravan of over 300 central american migrants.

There are several reports that officials lied to the migrants, and said they were there to help them. What actually happened was a brutal and merciless show of force as refugees, women, and even a grandma were beaten and physically forced to submit to custody.

I arrived at the scene an hour later as the migrants were unloaded off buses and forced into the gymnasium of a small town outside of Emiliano Zapata. When I pushed my way past the 20+ officers and officials guarding the door, I entered into once of the most horrific scenes I've ever witnesses.

Babies were sitting on the floor crying, while their mothers remained trapped in overcrowded buses outside with no knowledge of the whereabouts of their kids. Officials refused to attend to the children, saying that the first priority was to restrain the men, to make sure they did not become dangerous. Grown men, crying and traumatized, showed me their ripped clothes and bruises, and described to me in bits and pieces what had happened. The women remained packed into overcrowded vans while officials ignored their requests to help locate their children or relatives.

We denounce the cruelty and dehumanization of the migrant population and demand from the Instituto Nacional de Migración (@INAMI_mx) the Secretaría de Gobernación (@SEGOB_mx), Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) (@CNDH) the immediate release the detained migrants and #libretránsito through Mexico
*3.5.2014 Deporta el INM un grupo grande de centroamericanos; les niegan defensa


* 9.4.2014 Con niñ@s! y drogas! Fiestas 4 días! del Cerdo Gutierrez
*3.4.2014 "Te tienes que tragar su semen para que se ponga contento: personal del PRI-DF a futuras empleadas del partido"
*3.4.2014 Caso de prostitucion en PRI-DF demuestra nula rendicion de cuentas de partidos: jesus cantu 
*3.4.2014 Testimonios de victimas de red de prostitucion pri-df